Shoes, dining room chairs, socks, underwear, tennis balls, pillows, baseball hats, cookbooks and pokemon cards. All of these things were favorite chews at one time or another by my beloved little 4 legged friends. In celebration of these gross, creepy, wet creations made by our pets, my good friends Julie and Pennye, owners of The Big Bad Woof, have decided to host a Frankentoy Contest this year! And as part of the ghoulish festivities, I'll be leading a workshop helping people make their own artistic monster out of these chewed up messes. It's on Saturday October 14th from 5:30 until 7:30 at their store The Big Bad Woof in Takoma Park. So much fun!
Frankentoy Workshop at the Big Bad Woof!
Shoes, dining room chairs, socks, underwear, tennis balls, pillows, baseball hats, cookbooks and pokemon cards. All of these things were favorite chews at one time or another by my beloved little 4 legged friends. In celebration of these gross, creepy, wet creations made by our pets, my good friends Julie and Pennye, owners of The Big Bad Woof, have decided to host a Frankentoy Contest this year! And as part of the ghoulish festivities, I'll be leading a workshop helping people make their own artistic monster out of these chewed up messes. It's on Saturday October 14th from 5:30 until 7:30 at their store The Big Bad Woof in Takoma Park. So much fun!